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Top 101 Technology Facts to know

Greetings companions In this post today, we are going to reveal to you some energizing and stunning facts about technology which is fascinating in itself.

As indicated by our exploration, we will disclose to you some fascinating facts from our past technology and from the world's first PC to Future Technology, after read all the post you will get defenetly some information.

In the nineteenth century, a scientific teacher, "Charles Babes," presented everybody with "PC," he has made an Analytical Engine, on which premise the present PCs are likewise working.

Technology Facts 1-

Charles Babes is known as the dad of the PC "Father of Computer."

Technology Facts 2-

In the nineteenth century, a scientific teacher, "Charles Babes," presented everybody with "PC," he has made an Analytical Engine, on which premise the present PCs are likewise working.

Technology Facts 3-

The all out weight of the world's first electronic PC ENIAC was 27 tons, and 1800 Square Feet region was expected to keep it.

Technology Facts 4-

Doug Engelbart built up the primary PC mouse around 1964 that was made of wood.

Technology Facts 5-

In 1952 the trackball was concocted by Tom Cranston and Fred Longstaff.

Technology Facts 6-

In 1969, Gary Starkweather concocted the laser printer in Xerox.

Technology Facts 7-

Konrad Zuse concocted the world was the primary PC in 1936 and named it Z1

Technology Facts 8-

PCs we see today are being made since 1980

Technology Facts 9-

The principal gigabyte circle drive was discharged on the planet in 1980. It gauged 550 pounds, that is, 227 kilograms.

Technology Facts 10-

PCs have a chip which makes figurings super-quick

Technology Facts 11-

PCs have fans that keep them new. In the event that the PC does not have a fan, at that point your PC can blast and break.

Technology Facts 12-

In excess of 6,000 PC infections are discharged each month. You may be shocked to think, however around 1500 infections discharged each month make out the organizations that make antivirus out of which the estimation of their items increments.

Technology Facts 13-

The normal yearly salary of representatives of Apple central station is $ 125,000.

Technology Facts 14-

In 2012, Apple sold 340,000 iPhones every day, i.e., 14166.6 iPhone every hour, i.e., around four iPhone every second, which is a record in itself.

Technology Facts 15-

The Apple iPad retina show is produced by Samsung, as we probably am aware Apple and Samsung are contenders of the other.

Technology Facts 16-

Apple acquires $ 300,000 per minute, i.e., around 5000 dollars for each second astonishing !!!

Technology Facts 17-

The Apple fellow benefactor sold 10 percent of its all out stock for $ 800, and today the estimation of those offers was 55 billion US dollars in time.

Technology Facts 18-

Apple's iPhone deals are more than all Microsoft items Oh my god!

Technology Facts 19-

The iPod's maker originally presented the thought for Philips and Real Networks, however they neglected to see its potential, wish they would not have rejected this offer.

Technology Facts 20-

In the event that you use iTunes, you have officially made a deal to avoid utilizing Apple items to make atomic weapons.

Technology Facts 21-

Do you realize that each third Indian business in Apple is Amazing !!! In the event that you are Indian, at that point you ought to be pleased with it.

Technology Facts 22-

An iPhone has around 0.0012 ounces of gold, 0.012 ounces of silver and 0.000012-ounce platinum, which is proportional to $ 1.52, $ 0.24 and $ 0.017 separately, presently it is seen how Apple had gained gold from a wrecked iPhone.

Technology Facts 23-

Maybe you may be astonished to know this, however a bigger number of individuals than individuals on the planet have their Toothbrush, and 70 percent of them have cell phones.

Technology Facts 24-

You should have never sent Text Massage, however did you realize that 90 percent of instant messages read inside 3 minutes of being Delivered.

Technology Facts 25-

HTC propelled the world's first Android cell phone on October 22, 2008, yet as a general rule, it was HTC's fantasy to make the principal Android telephone

Technology Facts 26-

As per Reuters as the new CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadala is currently the most dominant Indian official specialized official on the planet.

Technology Facts 27-

Microsoft documents roughly 3,000 patients every year and possesses more than 10,000

Technology Facts 28-

Microsoft did not have its site until it purchased an arranger discussion planned in 1993 for a help asset.

Technology Facts 29-

Did you realize that the principal floppy plate was created in 1970, with the capacity limit of just 75.79 KB

Technology Facts 30-

Did you realize that the oldest USB equipment pen drive on the planet came into continuation in 1999, yet it was propelled in the market in 2000, around then its stockpiling limit was just 8 MB

Technology Facts 31-

Microsoft spared Apple from being bankrupt, in 1997 the Apple organization was getting bankrupt when Microsoft put 150 million dollars in Apple.

Technology Facts 32-

Microsoft had built up the first SmartWatch with Timmax, which showed up in the year 1994.

Technology Facts 33-

Around 9 million grown-ups in the UK and 33% of Italians absolutely never utilize the web. Envision that while there is a medicinal camp for web addicts in China, yet so far a huge populace of individuals has never utilized it.

Technology Facts 34-

People don't create most Internet traffic, however as indicated by an ongoing report led by Incapsula by bots and malware, around 66% of 61.5% or all site traffic is brought about by web bots.

Technology Facts 35-

The world's first site is as yet alive; it isn't verging on being glitzy in light of the fact that it is all content and hyperlinks, yet the way that it is as yet going on is sensational.

Technology Facts 36-

About £ 1.7 trillion worth of assets is spent on the web in the event that you at any point tallied online hours, you need to get out.

Technology Facts 37-

Do you believe that the Internet and World Wide Web are very similar things? They are far away from Kosho, a system of web PCs, while the World Wide Web is a Pool, Information Sharing Pool.

Technology Facts 38-

Internet's designer Tim Berners-Lee was knighted by Queen Elizabeth likely sovereignty perceives significance on the grounds that recollect, Anthony Hopkins was knighted as well.

Technology Facts 39-

It is astounding that what was the primary picture transferred by the designer of the advanced World Wide Web? This atomic research lab was a fun band of ladies from SEEN.

Technology Facts 40-

Consistently on eBay, offers of $ 680, i.e., $ 40800 every moment and $ 2448000 every hour, at that point how much deals would be in a year.

Technology Facts 41-

Today, on the off chance that you need to bring your thought on the web, at that point you need a space name, and for which you need to pay a sensible cost and on the off chance that it is a superior area name, at that point it tends to be worth millions, however 14 September Before 1995, got free Domain.

In the event that we were online around then, at that point,,,,,,,,,,,, register, what do you register? Let us know in the remark.

Technology Facts 42- is the most seasoned and most established space that has finished 33 years on March 15, 2018.

Technology Facts 43-

Programmers took from the Internet; Credit Cards sell the database in all respects inexpensively on the Deep Web.

Technology Facts 44-

You may be astonished to know, yet in the USA, there are 29 million Internet clients out of which 15 million clients give Internet more significance than Call.

Technology Facts 45-

NSCA Mosaic, the world's first Web program, which was acclaimed, was created by the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. In spite of the fact that it was formally shut on January 7, 1997

Technology Facts 46-

You may be astounded to know, yet in 1956, to store 5 MB of information, the memory of 1 Ton, which was extremely overwhelming! Simultaneously, we can keep 5 TB Data easily in our Pocket.

Technology Facts 47-

Regardless of whether you had the simplicity of running the QWERTY console today, it was planned with the goal that individuals could diminish the composing speed, since consoles were broken by all the more composing velocity.

Technology Facts 48-

Barely you know, however 92% of the world exists in the advanced structure, implying that 8% of the world's money is accessible in the Physical Form as it were.

Technology Facts 49-

Which web crawler do you use to look, maybe Google But did you realize that a pursuit made on Google creates so much Co2 that something bit in the pot (where tea is made) can be bubbled!

Technology Facts 50-

You will get loads of spam messages each day yet do you realize that just a single individual from 10 million Spam mail answers, in spite of the fact that this makes a portion of the spammers gaining.

Technology Facts 51-

You may be astounded to know, yet the electronic mail administration had just touched base from the WWW, which was viewed as a monstrous transformation of that time.

The name of the main chip was "4004" Intel created it.

Technology Facts 53-

Seagate presented the primary hard circle drive in 1979, which included 5 MB. Could have information of the present hard circle stockpiling 5Tb +

Technology Facts 54-

Farooq Alvi siblings in 1986 composed the principal PC infection.

Technology Facts 55-

Advanced Equipment Corporation was the principal PC organization to enlist space names.

Technology Facts 56-

[Ctrl] + [Alt] + Delete direction was composed by "David Bradley"

Technology Facts 57-

"Messy Desgen" is the name of 12 specialists who structured IBM PCs.

Technology Facts 58-

HP (Hewlett Packard) was propelled in 1939 out of a carport of Palo Alto.

Technology Facts 59-

Micral N was the primary PC made on Intel processor 8008 out of 1972


Technology Facts 60-

Organizations making the world's biggest programming – #Microsoft, #Adobe, #Sap, #Computer Associates

Technology Facts 61-

The first URL of was

Technology Facts 62-'s dynamic month to month clients are more than one billion.

Technology Facts 63-

1 April 2005 NASA said as underhandedness to discover water on Mars

Technology Facts 64-

Radio takes 38 years to contact 50 million individuals.

Technology Facts 65-

TV takes 13 years to contact 50 million individuals.

Technology Facts 66-

iPod took only three years to contact 50 million individuals

Technology Facts 67-

To take photos with the primary made camera, he needed to sit for 8 hours consistently.

Technology Facts 68-

A Dentist 'Alfred Southwick designed the hot seat'!

Technology Facts 69-

The makers of the PNG record arrangement needed it to be called 'ping'!

Technology Facts 70-

Skype is restricted in China.

Technology Facts 71-

In 2012, in any event 17 infants infant were named Siri.

Technology Facts 72-

Did you realize that the floppy plate was utilized to trade outside information before CD, DVD, and PenDrive

Technology Facts 73-

Do you realize that the primary floppy plate was made in 1970, with the capacity limit of just 75.79 KB

Technology Facts 74-

Did you realize that the different utilized USB equipment pen drive on the planet appeared in 1999, yet it was propelled in the market in 2000, around then its stockpiling limit was just 8 MB

Technology Facts 75-

Tech organizations frequently test new items in New Zealand, the explanations behind this? The nation is assorted, its occupants communicate in English, and on the off chance that any item is a lemon, at that point the news does not spread quickly in light of the fact that it is moderately extraordinary.

Technology Facts 76-

In Japan, 90% of cell phones are waterproof in light of the fact that numerous individuals use them in Shower.

Technology Facts 77-

In the event that you have a security bug in the code of Facebook, they are prepared to pay huge cash (like $ 500 or more) to educate them concerning it.

Technology Facts 78-

In the realm of technology, November 30 is known as "PC Security Day."

Technology Facts 79-

The primary standard advertisement on the site was begun in the year 1994

Technology Facts 80-

Enrolling area names at the pace of multiple lakhs every month

Technology Facts 81-

The normal 21-year-old Peoples has gone through 5000 hours playing computer games, 250,000 messages, texting and content informing and went through 10,000 hours on cell phones.

Technology Facts 82-

66% of American web clients make online buys.

Technology Facts 83-

Every moment, 10 hours of video are transferred to YouTube.

Technology Facts 84-

In 1936, Konrad Zuse was named the world's first PC. His next development, Z2, was abrogated in 1939 and it was the first altogether electro-mechanical PC.

Technology Facts 85-

Google utilizes an expected 15 billion kilowatt-hours out of every year, which is more than most nations, however Google produces huge numbers of its capacity with its sun oriented boards.

Technology Facts 86-

The initiation of US President Bill Clinton was the first webcast in January 1997.

Technology Facts 87-

In 1980, the initial two computer games of the U.S. were Asteroids and Lunar Lander.

Technology Facts 88-

Roughly 4.2 billion individuals utilize the Internet. Of these, 2 billion Internet clients are Asian. It evaluated that in the event that the Internet goes down for one day, at that point around 200 billion messages and 3 billion Google search should pause.

Technology Facts 89-

There are 200 camps for web fiend in China. 300 million web clients are between the ages of 15 and 35 years old, so it is simply the most noteworthy that they lose control, as indicated by Tao Running, a military emergency clinic in Beijing Earlier, the Director of Internet Addiction Treatment Clinic said that 40% of the individuals familiar with the Internet experience the ill effects of hyperactivity issue in the deficiency

Technology Facts 90-

30,000 sites are being hacked day by day, gainful PC programming projects are utilized by cybercriminals to recognize hazardous locales that can be effectively hacked consequently

Technology Facts 91-

The primary webcam was worked at the University of Cambridge to screen the Tronzine Coffee Pot. The status of the espresso pot was given as a 128 × 128-gram scale video feed.

Technology Facts 92-

Web sends around 204 million messages for every moment, and 70% of all email sent is spam; 2 billion electrons are required to produce an email.

Technology Facts 93-

Jack Dorsey made the primary tweet on March 21, 2006, and the first YouTube video to be transferred is 8:27 pm. In any case, there was "Meet At Zoo." Saturday, April 23, 2005, by Jawahar Karim

Technology Facts 94-

It is normal that 40 billion contraptions will be associated with the Internet by 2020

Technology Facts 95-

The questions that you look for are just a little level of the Internet, and this is regularly called 'Surface Web,' the rest is called 'profound web.'

Technology Facts 96-

You can not utilize a standard program like Google Chrome or Firefox to get to Deep Web, and individuals need to utilize 'Tor' to get to 'Profound Web.' Although be cautious, in light of the fact that there are such a significant number of unusual things that surface there

Technology Facts 97-

2,000 ten was the year, which had a huge occasion in Internet Life. In this year, Finland turned into the primary nation to get legitimate rights to the Internet.

Technology Facts 98-

Need to know how mainstream Facebook is? Here's somewhat a good time for you, Almost 50% of the total populace is Internet clients, and about portion of individuals are utilizing Facebook

Technology Facts 99-

As you cross each moment, 72 hours of YouTube video substance is being transferred, and this is only a site. To store this information, you don't have the foggiest idea how much stockpiling will be required.

Technology Facts 100-

In 1990, Sir Tim Berners-Lee imagined the primary internet browser, it was classified "WordWeb" (not be mistaken for the WWW). Afterward, it was changed to "Nexus."

Technology Facts 101-

Microsoft Excel was the principal office application made by Microsoft in 1982; the first Excel was named Multiplane.

Lets have two bonuses for you.

Technology Facts 102-

The principal form of Microsoft Excel was made not for Microsoft DOS but rather Apple Macintosh.

Indeed, this is weird, yet this is genuine when Microsoft discharged Windows in 1987, the Axl had just been moved up to rendition 2.0.

Technology Facts 103-

When was the first Microsoft Office bundle discharged?

It was in October 1990 when Microsoft discharged the principal office bundle that included Word 1.1, Excel 2.0 and PowerPoint 2.0 …

Technology Facts 104-

About Email Marketing, you will realize that the beginning of Email Marketing was begun in 1978. It is credited with the presentation of Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) to GaryThuerk who sent the main Mass Email to their 400 potential customers at the same time utilizing ARPANET. From that year, DEC's Worth, Sales of 13 Million Dollars was made. What's more, from that point on, individuals were relied upon to utilize email advertising.

I expectation folks today you will know some stunning and energizing facts about technology. In the event that you discover any misstep in any reality, at that point let us know by remark beneath. In the event that you get any applicable data, at that point demonstrate your adoration by sharing this post to your companions and relatives.

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